Open Meetings Law - Tennessee

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Booze It or Lose It

Another Priceless movement in Tennessee Politics.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sunshine Laws / Open Meetings Law - Tennessee

Easy Resource on links to Sunshine Laws / Open Meetings Law - Tennessee.
Documents and Resources:

Commentary and Articles:



Contact your Tennessee state legislators :

Email them not to weaken the open mettings law.

Rep. Joe Armstrong
Rep. Eddie Bass
Rep. Mike Bell
Rep. Robert Bibb
Rep. Stratton Bone
Rep. Willie Borchert
Rep. Rob Briley
Rep. Harry Brooks
Rep. Kevin Brooks
Rep. Tommie Brown
Rep. Frank Buck
Rep. Stacey Campfield
Rep. Glen Casada
Rep. Curt Cobb
Rep. Jim Cobb
Rep. Kent Coleman
Rep. Jim Coley
Rep. Barbara Cooper
Rep. Chris Crider
Rep. Charles Curtiss
Rep. Vince Dean
Rep. John Deberry
Rep. Lois Deberry
Rep. Tom Dubois
Rep. Bill Dunn
Rep. Jimmy Eldridge
Rep. Joanne Favors
Rep. Dennis Ferguson
Rep. Henry Fincher
Rep. Craig Fitzhugh
Rep. Richard Floyd
Rep. Dale Ford
Rep. George Fraley
Rep. Brenda Gilmore
Rep. Dolores Gresham
Rep. Jim Hackworth
Rep. G. A. Hardaway
Rep. Bill Harmon
Rep. Mike Harrison
Rep. Beth Harwell
Rep. David Hawk
Rep. Joey Hensley
Rep. Matthew Hill
Rep. John Hood
Rep. Curtis Johnson
Rep. Phillip Johnson
Rep. Sherry Jones
Rep. Ulysses Jones
Rep. Brian Kelsey
Rep. Mike Kernell
Rep. John Litz
Rep. Ron Lollar
Rep. Jon Lundberg
Rep. Susan Lynn
Rep. Mark Maddox
Rep. Debra Maggart
Rep. Judd Matheny
Rep. Jimmy Matlock
Rep. Joe McCord
Rep. Gerald McCormick
Rep. Steve McDaniel
Rep. Michael McDonald
Rep. Steve McManus
Rep. Larry Miller
Rep. Richard Montgomery
Rep. Gary Moore
Rep. Jason Mumpower
Speaker Jimmy Naifeh
Rep. Frank Niceley
Rep. Gary Odom
Rep. Doug Overbey
Rep. Phillip Pinion
Rep. Joe Pitts
Rep. Mary Pruitt
Rep. Jeanne Richardson
Rep. Randy Rinks
Rep. Dennis Roach
Rep. Gary Rowe
Rep. Donna Rowland
Rep. Charles Sargent
Rep. Johnny Shaw
Rep. David Shepard
Rep. Janis Sontany
Rep. Park Strader
Rep. Eric Swafford
Rep. John Tidwell
Rep. Harry Tindell
Rep. Curry Todd
Rep. Joe Towns
Rep. Larry Turner
Rep. Mike Turner
Rep. Nathan Vaughn
Rep. Eric Watson
Rep. Ben West
Rep. Kent Williams
Rep. John Windle
Rep. Leslie Winningham
Rep. Eddie Yokley

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